Mound Westonka Hockey

MWHA 2024-2025 Coaches Registration


Welcome to the MWHA Coaches Registration

Welcome to the 2024-2025Coaches Registration.

BEFORE YOU BEGIN: You must register first with USA Hockey (USAH) and then return to the Registration session to complete your registration. USA Hockey requires that all Coaches Register on-line with USAH and obtain a USAH confirmation number. This confirmation number is required during the registration process in order to complete your registration.

  • Step 1: CLICK HERE to go to the USA Hockey Registration and register. Be sure to PRINT and SAVE The confirmation code. Head coaches, Assistant coaches and Student Coaches need to register.
  • Step 2: Return to this registration and proceed. Later in the registration session you will need to enter The USA Hockey confirmation Code that you received in Step 1.

USA Hockey Coaching Education Program (CEP) & Age Specific Modules

Coaching Education Program Certification Clinic Requirements (Must be completed by Dec. 31)

  • Find, register and attend the required certification clinic. (There will be a cost for the class plus any lunch fees if applicable) You can only attend one clinic or virtual per season and all coaches start at Level 1. (The coaching clinic season for Levels 1-3 officially runs from September 1 to December 31). Click here to locate a clinic.


The Online Age-Specific Modules are currently open for the 2024-2025 season

New for this season: You must complete each module PRIOR to participating with your team or being placed on a roster.

Coaches must be current members of USA Hockey in order to register for the modules. Please click on the link to the right to retrieve your USA Hockey confirmation number or to register for the 2024-25 season.

Click on the link below to register for a module or login to the module site to continue a previously registered module or access your account to view review any previously completed modules.

You can register for only ONE module at a time. You must complete the module in its entirety before you can move on to another one.  Please complete the modules with the link below.

If you have questions about what level or module you need to be placed on your team, please contact Erica Berg.



Background Screening

All coaches must have a background screening completed prior to entering the ice with any level of Mound Westonka Youth Hockey.  Please use the link below to complete, prior to, entering your USA Hockey confirmation code on the next page.  Upon completion of your screening, you will receive an email confirmation followed by another email once you have been declared "CLEAR". Please forward both emails to



The Mound Westonka Hockey Association has it's own set of expectations for its coaches.  You will receive a link to this Code of Conduct by email following your coaches registration.  Please open this link, read, print and sign the Code of Conduct to submit at your coaches meeting.

SafeSport Training

All coaches must complete the Safe Sport before being allowed on a team roster.  Please complete your training as soon as possible.  If you are a new coach you will need to complete the SafeSport Training.  Click here to get started.

The SafeSport Training will have new modules to complete each year.  You will need to login to see what module you need to complete for the upcoming 2024-2025 season. 

The SafeSport Training and SafeSport Refresher courses are available all season.


Before (or right after) submitting your Coaching  Registration please e-mail Todd Schmidt at MWHA the following information. - MWHA  

1. Full Name

2. Level Interested in Coaching (SQ, PW Bantam or Mite)

3. Head Coach or Assistant Coach

4. E-mail Address

5. Phone Number

Erica Berg


Phone: 612-810-1454